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With this in mind, it will be better to complete the game twice: at an easy difficulty level and finding all collectible items and then at Maximum Security difficulty. When you approach low health you will find health pickups more frequently. Green means you have high health, yellow is medium, red means low health. Go beyond the colony and explore the wastelands to gather resources, meet rival colonies, and uncover the world’s secrets.Surviving the Aftermath Key Features:Build and manage a colony of survivors after a world-ending event. Your health is shown on the collar on the back of your neck. Build the ultimate disaster proof colony, protect your colonists, and restore civilization to a devastated world. You can also craft Ammo and Health at every Crafting Station (found frequently after Chapter 3: Aftermath). You get the same amount of Credits, Health Items and Ammo as you do on Easy. The drop rate of items and ammo is unaffected. The difference to Easy difficulty is that enemies have about twice as much health and deal about twice as much damage.

There are lots of checkpoints so this isn’t too punishing. If you die you respawn from the nearest checkpoint. Unlocks after finishing a playthrough on any difficulty (the lowest difficulty is fine for this) after Chapter 8: Tower.Maximum Security difficulty for The Protocol is About Life achievement is available from the beginning. I Do Belong Here is story-related achievement, cannot be missed.