Politics Free Filter Meme Free Filter The Four Rules of Gun Safety: Lack of tagging will assume national interest. Please be aware, when posting about state level bills and laws, tagging the post at the beginning with either the state or state abbreviation in brackets is best practice.

We actively moderate all posts and comments that are either off-topic or violate the Reddit Content Policy. Discourse is encouraged on this open-minded forum, and all firearms-related content moderation will be left to the mercy of the voting system.
I could see how a hired mod going 'by the book' could remove monetization. Although it's their editing and low commentary gives their videos educational value. In this subreddit, we value Freedom of Speech as much as we value The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Police Activity is in a weird area because the typically don't input a lot of commentary in videos beyond a short description giving context. Please come discuss what we can, because it may only be a matter of time before this and all firearms-related subreddits are removed from the site. Porter, 27, of Fort Smith, is seen barreling down a residential street after being caught speeding around 100 mph in Sebastian County on May 5 in a stolen red Dodge truck before backing. If you are interested in 3d printed firearms, just go to Google and type in exactly Deterrence Dispensed or AWCY. Until further notice, all posts pertaining to gun deals, sales, and of course the distribution of 3d printing files are prohibited. Posts must be somewhat related to firearms and must comply with the Global Reddit Rules. We value freedom of speech as much as we do the right to keep and bear arms. Discuss firearms, politics, 2nd amendment news.